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Feature abstract creative: Juliana Do

Based on the definition of Abstract art on the Tate website, it is a form of art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead uses shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks to achieve its effect.

Artist Ms. Juliana Do is featured in the September issue, who bases in Vienna, Austria. She is a fine art painter and contemporary artist. Her works mainly associate with abstract art and she aims to explore color in its infinity as she mentioned on her Instagram page, juliana__do.

A random artwork is cited from the artist’s Instagram page.

Her abstract art is neat and mainly oil-based painting, which involves many colors and plays with a mixture of colors and patterns, as the image is shown above. It is inspiring and creative. The works are simply interesting to gaze on yet it offers you a room of imagination. They contain a good amount of texture. Also, most of her works are detailed which requires a professional level of skills. I believe as meditation is on-trend in the contemporary world, abstract art functions to inspire and use of meditation purpose while we are gazing on it.

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